Bridges Occupational Therapy Service
Servicing the Queanbeyan area
Our Services
Servicing the Queanbeyan area.
Bridges Occupational Therapy Service is a mobile occupational therapy service based in Canberra, A.C.T. We offer preschool, school, home or Telehealth appointments. We cater from ages 4-18 years. Intervention includes:
Early Intervention
Social Skills
Life Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Emotional Regulation
Self Care Skills
Sensory Processing Difficulties
NDIS funded clients - you can access Occupational Therapy Services from Bridges Occupational Therapy Service if you self manage your NDIS or are plan managed
About us
Bridges Occupational Therapy Service has experience in a range of settings including schools both mainstream and specialist, private practice and community settings. We are passionate about making a difference in children and young people's lives.
Contact us
For more information about our services please phone or email us.
Telephone: 0435 045 830
We look forward to hearing from you.
Banks Gordon Rendezvous Creek District Bonython Gowrie Richardson Booth District Greenway Tennent District Calwell Isabella Plains Tharwa Chisholm Macarthur Theodore Conder Monash Tuggeranong District South Cotter River District Mount Clear District Wanniassa Fadden Oxley Gilmore Paddy’s River District Aranda Florey Macgregor Belconnen Flynn Macquarie Belconnen District South Fraser Melba Bruce Hawker Page Charnwood Higgins Scullin Cook Holt Spence Dunlop Latham Weetangera Acton Downer Oaks Estate Ainslie Forrest O’Connor Barton Fyshwick Parkes Beard Griffith Pialligo Braddon Hackett Red Hill Campbell Hume Reid Canberra Airport Jerrabomberra District Russell Canberra Central District Kingston Symonston Canberra City Kowen District Turner Capital Hill Lyneham Watson Deakin Majura District Yarralumla Dickson Narrabundah Chapman Hughes Stirling Chifley Isaacs Stromlo District Coombs Kambah Torrens Coree District Lyons Tuggeranong District North Curtin Mawson Uriarra Denman Prospect Molonglo Waramanga Duffy Molonglo Valley District Weston Farrer O’Malley Weston Creek District Fisher Pearce Woden Valley District Garran Phillip Wright Holder Rivett Amaroo Giralang Lawson Belconnen District North Gungahlin McKellar Bonner Gungahlin District Mitchell Casey Hall Moncrieff Crace Hall District Ngunnawal Evatt Harrison Nicholls Forde Jacka Palmerston Franklin Kaleen Occupational therapy occupational therapist queanbeyan googong jerrabomberra NDIS ndis